The Swan In Us Blog #10

As a whole society has treated “Black Swan” in both a love hate type of way.  Some people view this film as a visual masterpiece with stunning cinematography.  While others describe this movie as a low level porno.  However the question that is asked here is how has the promotion of this movie suggested what type of film this is?  Personally from what I remember about the promotion of this film was the print ads that were put up.  These print ads were fantastic in showing just a little glimpse  of how crazy this movie actually is.  By showing Portman completely decked out in her swan makeup and crown the audience experiences a type of fear.  It should come as no surprise to anybody that the promotions were done is a highly visible mediums do to the well accredited director and major stars who headline the movie.  One of the aspects that make the movie so visually appealing was the amazing and award winning costume designs for all the dancers involved.  There were over 40 different variations of costumes designed for the various dancers in the film.  All with so much detail making this film truly unique and extremely visually appealing.  I think that the meaning of this film shows us how a person can become obsessed with an idea to the point where it drives that person crazy.  Here in this movie we see Portman’s character become obsessed with the dance that allows her to become the black swan.  We then see how she struggles and ultimately goes crazy trying to change and become this new character.  Her desire to become the black swan changes Portman and everything she once believed in.  She almost becomes an unrecognizable character by the end of the film.  It truly is a unique movie and is one of those movies that will stick with you for a long time.

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