This is the End (Blog Entry 14)

Looking back at my old blog entries, the one that stands out the most to me is my 3rd one entitled “Natural Serenity”. I think this is my favorite blog entry because it is the one, out of all of them, that is about something I am really interested in. The other blog entries weren’t bad, and were almost crucial to really understanding all that we did in this class, but they weren’t very compelling to me. They are all very academic and feel like mini papers to me. I preferred being able to write from the heart about things I really care about.

I have to say though, this blog experience was a new one for me, and it was a nice look into the world of blogging. I liked being able to see what everyone else had to say about everything. It opened my eyes up to new concepts and ideas that I had never thought about. It allowed me to see things from many different perspectives and caused me to think outside the box when it came to finally doing the papers at the end of the week, because the things we wrote about in the blogs were often very relevant to what I had to write about at the end of the week. Sometimes I did not like having to do a blog because I felt that I found myself trying to write about things I didn’t care about, and I feel that some of my entries were forced. I think that it would have been nice to have a choice between a couple blog entries each time we had to write one, because this would lead to more thoughtful blog entries and more creativity.

I felt that, because my thoughts and ideas were being published on the internet for the world to see, I had to censor my language a bit. In addition, I was writing to the class- a bunch of people that I didn’t know- and I felt the need to be careful not to offend anyone. I think I would enjoy blogging in a setting that is more “free” and gives me more of an opportunity to express myself as an individual, as Brosh had done in “Hyperbole and a Half”. This is what I learned about my own writing- that I would rather do it freely and uncensored. Perhaps this will lead me to do more free writing in the future, because much of what I have to do in school is purely academic. All in all, it’s been fun, but for now, blogging, this is the end (my only friend…the end).

One response to “This is the End (Blog Entry 14)

  1. I can totally relate to your feeling of wanting to write freely. Not even necessarily in this class, but I do feel like being forced to write academic paper after paper starts to suck out all my creativity. Although I feel like I did have to watch myself a bit, academic blogging was a good experience for me to see that maybe I could start blogging on my own. It would be a good outlet and I could rant about whatever I want (although I imagine a blog full of ranting may not be that popular).

    I will say that even though this class’ blog was full of academic writing, I think everyone’s personality came through a little bit. I think more so than it would have through papers and essays. I enjoyed your post!

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