Background messages (B.E #13)


Photographer Sample Resume

This resume was found with a quick Google search. I noticed the visual layout and decided to talk about the pros and cons. At first glance, the background immediately stood out to me which I obviously very important when applying for a job. Like a thesis statement in an essay, you want the reader to buy what you’re selling and remain interested. I think this could use some improvements such as a larger font. I have eagle eyes but I still had to lean in and read most of Mr. Thomas writing.

Creating an effective resume is crucial in the working environment. I’m not expert on writing effective resumes, but I definitely think a resume needs to stand out. Obviously your personal information needs to be added to your resume first. I think with a solid (16-20pt) font size the chances of getting noticed are increased. When trying to make a resume stand out, I think the use of concise langue is crucial. For example, replacing clichés such as “responsibilities or duties included” when identifying your experiences with action verbs like “assisted, performed or created” are better ideas. In addition, avoiding personal pronouns will help to get your point across easily.

The white spaces provide proper indentations as well as a good “fill-in” with the background photo. It shows this persons interest and creativity behind the text. It’s not as rigid compared to many other resume’s I’ve seen in the past (including mine!)

If I were an employer, I definitely would give Brad Thomas an interview based of the presentation of his resume itself. I like when people think outside the box and don’t follow boring resumes that typically are seen because society say’s is the professional thing to do. Resumes like Jessica Coder’s shows a lot of character and stands out from the rest which gives the person a better shot at getting the job.

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