Never Have I Ever (Blog Entry 10)

I have never seen Black Swan. This comes to a complete shock to everyone I know. I’ve been obsessed with ballet since I was younger and actively participated in gymnastics until I was 13. Not the same as ballet, but it required the same amount of time and I had absolutely no rhythm so I clearly wasn’t cut out for ballet. Now I spend my days stalking ballerina’s twitters and watching re-runs of Dance Moms. Don’t hate, it is one of the top five reality programs on television.


Honestly, I never really had an interest in seeing it. When it came out I was kinda creeped out to say the least, but Mila Kunis is in it so I knew I had to get over myself and see it. By the time I had crawled out from under my rock everyone I knew had already seen it. And they ruined it for me, of course.


The movie was promoted EVERYWHERE! Online, commercials, I swear Fandango sent me multiple texts and emails about seeing it. The artistry of the movie is said to be phenomenal and the way it shows the world of ballet is supposed to be riveting. I know when I sit down and watch the movie tomorrow I won’t be disappointed.


The actresses in the movie are phenomenal in every other role they’ve played, so I doubt this will be any different. Not to mention the awards and accolades this movie has received. I just wiki-d it to get an accurate account of how many awards it received 63 wins for various awards including Best Actress and Movie of the Year. It was nominated for almost 200 awards.


The billboards are the media that stick with me the most. The close-up of Natalie Portman’s face with the make up and very intense eyes. After seeing those posters you can tell that this movie is going to be a psychological thriller.  

One response to “Never Have I Ever (Blog Entry 10)

  1. I used to do ballet when I was younger, for about 12 years. However, like you, I had no coordination or desire to ever be any good, so I was always in the back at our recitals. I do however, have an enormous respect for ballerinas, they have to have a high pain tolerance and be extremely dedicated to their art and I think it is beautiful to watch. For that reason, I was excited to see Black Swan when it came out and it was really good. There was enormous hype about it, I noticed it more so after I saw the movie. Watching the trailer, and it become nominated for awards and hearing how “weird” it was from my friends. I agree with you what stands out most to me was the image of Natalie’s blood shot eyes with almost an evil glint to them.

    Also, I am surprised that I am not the only person who watches Dance Moms. I had no idea it was so popular, and I’m kind of relieved enough other people find the child dance world to be interesting enough to make it such a popular show. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I’m hooked. It’s so embarrassing!

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