
This class investigates the diverse forms of visual rhetoric that shape our 21st century world. The new conception of “text” is much broader than the world of print, encompassing visual and multimodal media and forms such as dance, painting, theater, film, and digital communication. In this class, we will apply rhetorical concepts to visual representations under a theme of “reality.” Our modern society is obsessed with the “real” in a multitude of ways; from reality TV to organic food, we are in a crisis of authenticity. How do we know that something is really real? What is real, and what is reality, and who decides these parameters and how? How do concerns of authenticity or genuineness affect our experience of visual arts and texts? These ideas will serve as topics of inquiry across a variety of genres throughout the course, providing ample opportunity for student initiative. Writing assignments include formal writing (analysis and argument), informal writing, and artist’s statement and/or resume. Taught as a writing workshop, this course places a premium on substantive, thoughtful revision.

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