Tales from Taiwan (Blog Post 5)


A good friend of mine has recently moved to Taiwan.  His departure was unexpected and rapid, and I hadn’t seen him in a long while before he contacted me to tell me he was leaving. Being that he was the first person I met at CU (he helped me move into my dorm freshman year and lived across the hall from me), I have a very special attachment to him.  He has been one of the most honest and caring people I have ever known and I miss him terribly. That being said, his blog is just as honest as he is.

His blog is directed mainly toward his family and friends, but I believe it to also be a sort of emotional outlet for his troubles as well as his enthusiasm. He writes about the things he has been doing, funny things that happen to him, how hard it has been to adjust to living in a foreign country etc. It has been wonderful to read his blog as his friend, sparse as the entries have been, to be able to see what he has been up to and that he is doing alright there.

I believe his blog achieves the goals that he created it for in that it allows him to write in an organized chronological order (he uses WordPress, just like we do!). The design he has chosen is also very simple, and doesn’t distract much from his text. He uses pictures mid-blog to accompany his writing, which is nice when he is telling his readers about an apartment that he is currently living in, or a phallic sculpture he encountered while walking through a market. Jesse is a wonderful writer, and I would definitely recommend reading his blog, although I’m not sure if it would be that interesting to someone who doesn’t know him. 🙂

2 responses to “Tales from Taiwan (Blog Post 5)

  1. colleenjohnson5

    I like that you chose a blog that is more personal to you. I also chose a blog from a friend, though she is not nearly as far away (she is my roommate). But it is interesting how much the tone can change when there is a different audience in mind. My friends blog is oriented for her artwork, whereas your friends is to keep his friends and family informed on his happenings. Her posts are generalized and meant for a broader audience. Blogging can be so diverse and it has been great to see how many different kinds are out there. They can serve as personal diaries, public foams, art exposure and travel accounts to keep family informed. Nice work.

  2. It really is cool that you chose someone what you know to write about. I think you can see more in the blog since you actually know him. I know some people who have decided to just up and move to another country like this too and I can’t imagine how scary that would be! I glanced through the blog a bit and the pictures he posts are gorgeous. It makes me want to go to Taiwan. As a CU student I think it’s also interesting to see what it was like for another CU student to move to foreign country. It just makes it easier for me to relate to him, though I imagine you can relate to him a lot more because you know him.

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