
 Originally I …

 Originally I wasn’t too sure how I was going to feel about this whole blogging thing. I always thought blogging was for stay at home mom’s that didn’t have a whole lot else to do. So they would sit at home and vent about their daily life or write down new recopies. I have now learned that while some of this may be true there is a lot more to the blogging community then just that genre.  I have learned that there are so many different types of categories and ton of different people interacting daily online.

I think the blog that I am most proud of would be the blog where I wrote about “Why I’ll Never be an Adult” from Hyperbole and a Half. This was an interesting blog to read and it also broadened my perspective about blogs in general. One thing that I do like about the blogging community is that it is ok to be informal and address the readers.  I like being able to use the “I” voice throughout my writing and voice my opinions. This is what is great about blogging because there is no such thing as a standard blog. The format can vary as well as the formality.

There were several students in the class whose blogs I enjoyed reading. I think what made them so interesting was their language. At times I felt to more informal they were the more humorous and relatable they were. I am all about being able to relate to my audience so these people really captured my attention. I think what is special about blogging is that it gives your reader a chance to really know what is going on in your mind. I found that there were several people who did an excellent job at doing this.

Overall, I was definitely surprised by my interest in blogging. I was able to change my perspective and even find a couple blogs that I would like to follow on a regular basis. I think that this was a great success!

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