Good vs. Evil and the Dramatization of Black Swan (Blog Entry 10)




  I have seen Black Swan a few times and the visual elements in the film are astounding. One way Aronofsky represents insanity and evil, is through the portrayal of Natalie Portman’s eyes. When her eyes are bloodshot and red, she is the black swan: her mad counterpart. Another way Aronofsky plays with the contrast of good and evil is by juxtaposing actress Mila Kunis’ character with Natalie Portman’s character. The two ballerinas dress in opposite colors-Portman in white and Kunis in black. Kunis’ character in the movie has tattoos and is clearly supposed to represent the rebel, while Portman’s character is the epitome of the classic ballerina, wearing pink and white and following all the “rules.” I really enjoyed Aronofsky’s use of mirrors in this film as well. He used them to confuse the audience and to get us thinking about who was really who? Was Mila Kunis even real? Was Kunis just Portman’s alter ego?
    The use of intense music and little visual cues are what make this film effective. The effect this film had on me was confusion and tension. I believe that these were Aronofsky’s desired effects. Little moments in the movie caused me anxiety and made me sit on the edge of my seat. For instance, the scene where Natalie Portman is pulling off hangnails and she pulls on a flap of skin and it just keeps pulling off all the way up her hand. The recurrence of Portman scratching her back until it was bloody. These and Aronofsky’s use of reflection created a dark and tense film that played tricks with your mind. The music reinforced the mood of the movie. The classical music would crescendo at dramatic moments and there would be loud climaxes to signify an important moment. The music became quieter and slower during times of suspense and build-up. By having slower, calmer moments with the music, the more dramatic music became even more effective.

One response to “Good vs. Evil and the Dramatization of Black Swan (Blog Entry 10)

  1. Yes you are right and there are many visual elements at play here. One that i hadn’t thought of was the music and the effect that it had on the movie as well as the effect that it had on my personal emotions. So I like that you added that in. I agree that there were parts in the movie where I was tense and anxious. Looking back on it now I do believe that the music had a lot to do with that. When I go to re watch the movie this will be an aspect that I pay attention to since I didn’t even realize it the first time around! Thanks for that!

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