Prince Charming…not so Charming Anymore! (Blog Entry 7)

When I asked myself,”who killed rose,” the first thought that came to mind was, they should have gotten the DNA from her blood. There was not even a body to be found, which I find rather suspicious. There were a few characters thought came to mind as suspects. I thought Bluebeard might have been the killer, they talked about him a lot throughout the novel. But then I thought back to other murder novels I have read, usually the killer is someone that we least expect. A character that comes in and out. This leads me to come to the conclusion that Prince Charming murdered Rose Red, if she is at all dead considering her body had not been found yet. Prince Charming seems like a very one dimensional character, he does not speak to much. He also does not treat women with respect, which would also be a reason why he would kill Rose, because he does not respect her. I believe that later on in the novel he will arise as a suspect, and they will do further research, and he will then be accused as the murderer of Rose Red.

The frame I chose was on page 42 in the middle. This comic is of Snow White, and Prince Charming sitting down in a restaurant over a cup of coffee. Snow was curious to find out how prince charming burned his last bridges with Europe and who he was sponging off. Prince responds saying “its comforting to discover your voice hasn’t lost any of its venom over the years, lovely.” Snow really just wants to know what Prince Charming truly wants. I thought it was interesting that Snow met up with Prince Charming, she knew that it was not going to turn out well between the two of them. There is a lot going on in this picture, to the left is another couple sitting having dinner, and at the forefront of the comic is character having a cup of coffee with another character walking behind him. The use of color makes the comic meaningful, everyone and everything is dark in this picture except, Snow and Prince charming, and the area which they are sitting at. This use of shadowing and color relates to the overall narrative because throughout the novel we see spotlights on certain characters and not others. A lot of the time a specific character has the spotlight for an extended period of time, which allows us to forget about the other characters.

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