Tumblr is the new Facebook (Blog Entry 5)

Tumblr, most of us have heard about this popular blogging site. There are numerous types of blogs posted on a daily basis. You can look at other peoples blogs, or make your own. The University Of Colorado even has been blogged about, making jokes about teachers, 4/20, and boulder in general. Tumblr has become the new facebook, new blogs are always arising, which keeps it that much more interesting.

The specific blog that I chose is of a cat falling down the stairs, obviously struggling doing so. The caption reads “FORCING MYSELF TO GO TO CLASS”. This specific blog is under “HOW DO I PUT THIS GENTLY.”I liked this blog becuase it was relatable. We all wake up and have those morning where we dread going to class, especially when it is 10 degrees out, and the last thing we want to do is get out of bed. Sometimes we make it(half asleep), or we dont make it all. Either way going to class can be a struggle sometimes. The audience for this specific blog is aimed more at college students, we get lazy, and going to class can be the last thing on our minds sometimes.


This blog is effective, it gets straight to the point. Used is a short video clip of a cat falling down the stairs, and it uses language to explain what is going on. I feel that the best way to communicate and ultimately have the most effective blog is one that you can relate to. This being said there are a lot of blogs that us, as college students cannot relate to.

I would reccomend Tublr to anyone, there are over a thousand different types of blogs that you can chose from. Depending on whether you are in a sad, happy, excited, or just in a lauphing type of mood, tumblr probably has it. I also really liked Tumblr becuase they use many different types of visuals to attract audiences. Ranging from cartoons, to pictures, to videos. BE AWARE, this blogging site is addicting so once you start, its almost impossible to stop…enjoy everyone:)

8 responses to “Tumblr is the new Facebook (Blog Entry 5)

  1. I have been on Tumblr for around 6 months now and I agree that it is fantastic. Having the ability to blog or read about almost every topic ever is something that is amazing. When I first started using the blog I was a little skeptical, but having stuck with it for a couple months I know it’s for me. I like linking all my social media sites to my tumblr that way I feel as if everything is connected and I’m never missing a thing.

  2. Okay, Tumblr is my new favorite social media. I absolutely love this site and has given my some great laughs thus far. I really love your blog because yes, we all can relate to the disinterest in going to class. While the image demonstrates the perfect example of this, it’s got a great comic relief to it. I plan on using this site more frequently for my social media fix. I found my new addiction, good bye Facebook.

  3. eleanorcovington

    I absolutely LOVE “How Do I Put This Gently?” and I often find myself scrolling through page after page of entries. My friends and I often post them back and forth on each others facebook walls ☺. I love them because they are so accurate and relatable yet so simple that you can just look at them with their headlines and completely understand and make a connection. I think it is also cool that the person who writes it is anonymous, allowing their readers to form their own opinion of the author without actually knowing who they are. The blog “whatshouldwecallme?” is actually the result of two girls who went to college together and then moved to separate sides of the country. The blog was their way of communicating with each other and now its become a national hit. CU Boulder even has one at http://whatshouldbuffscallme.tumblr.com/

  4. Yes, Tumblr is pretty amazing. As several of you have mentioned, its versatility is what makes it so addictive and popular for social media. I’d recommend starting a Tumblr to anyone!

  5. I do agree that Tumblr is a great blog. Specifically, the blog “How do I put this gently” is powerful because it uses short video clips, which are very powerful. These posts do not need any sort of writing because the videos are funny enough as it is. I like that Tumblr, in specific, is not all about text. The images that people re-blog make their blogs unique and personalized. I feel the exact same way that this cat does almost every single morning! This is great, thanks for sharing!

  6. Olivia,

    I am so glad you wrote your entry on Tumblr. Believe it or not, I didn’t realize this was a blog–I’m really slow with technology. But you’re right, it’s just like Facebook: I can get updates, short or long, from professional to silly bloggers. Thank you for waking me up. I do wonder, what are the differences between a Facebook feed and a Tumblr dashboard? Am I still missing something?

    I also like your choice of blog entry. I can relate to that cat’s feelings on more than one occasion. The mix of video and text is perfect for the message. Also, watching it on repeat is insanely amusing.

    Thanks for the insight!


  7. This is amazing! I love Tumblr and totally forgot that it is a blog because it has gotten so huge that it doesn’t even seem like blogging anymore. Like you said, it’s more like Facebook now. Everyone has their own Tumblr. I think I made a Tumblr like 3 years ago but I’ve abandoned it since. I think the cat GIF is really funny because A. i love cats and B. that’s sadly an accurate account of me trying to go to class some days

    Tumblr is neat because you can read more personal blogs like your friends or you can read random blogs like whoever made the University of Colorado Tumblr. The best of both worlds!

  8. This is amazing! I love Tumblr and totally forgot that it is a blog because the site has gotten so huge that it doesn’t even seem like it is for blogging anymore. Like you said, it’s more like Facebook now. Everyone has their own Tumblr. I think I made a Tumblr like 3 years ago but I’ve abandoned it since. I think the cat GIF is really funny because A. i love cats and B. that’s sadly an accurate account of me trying to go to class some days

    Tumblr is neat because you can read more personal blogs like your friends or you can read random blogs like whoever made the University of Colorado Tumblr. The best of both worlds!

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